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VGPolyglot said:
sc94597 said: (A left market anarchist site, and the article is written by a mutualist, so that you don't think it is some "ancap conspiracy.")

"In “Libertarianism: What’s Going Right,” I mentioned Left-Rothbardianism as one possible basis for finding areas of agreement between market libertarians and the Left. I’d like to go into that in more depth now."

The perfect example of a left-Rothbardian is Roderick Long.

I've read it, and they seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the left really is. Leftists aren't just opposed to corporatism/state capitalism/crony capitalism, they are opposed to capitalism at its core.  Also, in the second link you gave me, the author says "The central difference is that we classical individualist anarchists still view our  free market libertarianism as a form of socialism". That makes no sense at all, suporting free market capitalism is not socialism at all.

Capitalism has two features: the means of production is privately owned AND usury (wage labor, rents, etc) exist. Free-market socialists are a thing, and in fact the biggest proponents of free-markets in the 19th century were not capitalists, but socialists like Benjamin Tucker, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, etc. They believed that free markets would make P = MC and therefore profits would be impossible and exploitation would end. Socialist thought is more diverse than communism.

I recommend you read up on