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Wyrdness said:
JWeinCom said:

Competitive means you are in competition with other players.  It has nothing to do with whether you are ranked or unranked.  Unless I'm playing single player, I am playing a competitive game in every mode.  Don't blame me because you are not using the right words.

The game actually measures your skill on both modes because you are awarded extra points for wins and based on individual performance.  Even if it was measuring only number of games (it's not) we can logically expect a person at level 50 who has played the game a lot to be better than a person at level 15.  People playing unranked are not necessarily casuals. They could just be people that prefer splatfest to the other modes of the game.  

No.  I'm not even sure where we got this because I said absolutely nothing about anything being stressful.  So, I don't know how you came to any conclusion about what is stressful according to my logic.  You're literally pulling things out of thin air.

No, I'm reading it properly, I assure you.  But, you again don't know how to compare.  You can't just cherry pick one aspect and ignore everything else.  If Mario Odyssey is more complex in one area (larger worlds) that doesn't mean it's more complex overall, and that's literally the only argument you've brought.

Splatoon requires battling against other humans with human brains who are capable of spontaneously adapting to you and creating new strategies.  Mario involves fighting against enemies with limited set patterns.  Splatoon is objectively more complex in this regard.  Unless you would like to tell me that goomba AI is comparable to the human brain.

Enemies in Mario are generally put in your direct line of sight.  Splatoon enemies can strike you from anywhere and any angle.  Splatoon is objectively more complex in this regard.  Needing to be constantly aware of your surroundings in a 360 degree radius is far more compex than dealing mostly with things in your direct line of sight.

Splatoon enemies can attack you from half a level away or more.  Mario enemies don't.  This means you have to be constantly aware of the bulk of the level, which is again objectively more complex.

Splatoon requires constant manipulation of 2 physical joysticks, and one virtual joystick (gyro).  Mario requires one joystick.  Splatoon is objectively more complex here.

Splatoon requires 6 primary buttons (fire primary, fire sub, jump, transform, special weapon, center) and 5 secondary buttons (map, warp buttons).  Mario requires 3 primary buttons (crouch, jump, attack) and 4 secodary buttons (camera).  Some games may require slightly more or less.  Splatoon is objectively more complex.  

Enemies in Mario attack when approached.  If you stand still without an enemy in your direct vicinity, you will be almost always safe.  You have a virtually unlimited amount of time to formulate a plan of action.  Splatoon enemies will come after you.  Splatoon is objectively more complex in this regard.  

Enemies in Mario generally will not kill very quickly, and will take a minimum of 3 hits in the 64 style.  Several weapons in Splatoon will kill you in one hit, and virtually every weapon will kill you within a second of direct fire.  Splatoon is objectively more challenging and complex here.

And while you can just go around spraying ink haphazardly, we're assuming people want games they can be successful at.  Spraying ink with no regard for enemies is a nearly guaranteed way to lose.

This is how I know you're somewhat out of your league here someone being competitive is different from someone playing casually for fun, Ranked is there for competitive play i.e. people who want to master their skill and be the best, the system matches these players by rank  and constantly assesses their skill, in unranked the game doesn't measure your skill it just counts the number of games you're playing and gives you points to unlock more gear. I will blame you here because the term I used is correct when discussing multiplayer games and only someone with no idea about the concept of competitive play can even misunderstand that.

You're arguing that the presence of other people trying to win is not casual friendly so under that logic games like MK, Smash, COD, FIFA etc... aren't casual friendly but as we can see from the majority who buy these games you're quite wrong on this aspect.

Not cherry picking that accusation falls more to yourself and your flawed reasoning about Splatoon, Odyssey will no doubt have bigger worlds, more puzzles, more moves (we already know this one), more worlds which are likely to require specific approaches, likely many more mechanics etc... This requires a more avid approach then Splatoon's very simple to get into gameplay which is universal across all its modes. You're busy harping on about how comparisons  are not right what not to cover the flaws in your argument and I'll highlight some of them.

Using two analogues - Guess what people have been using them since the PS1, Mario will require it for the Camera so a contradiction here in your argument, Gyro is also option to use and one that is more casual friendly as well.

Enemies - Splatoon you only have four enemies to battle against while team mates help you out so that balances out things, in casual play the enemies arer also other casual players as well.

Button usage - Mario requires more then 3 buttons and some actions aren't as easy for casuals to master like wall jumps to get to specific platforms and so on, again this balances it self out and tbh Splatoon edges this one because the actions to enjoy the game are dead simple 3D Mario games have had micro tricks that have generally been trickier to handle.

Death - Dying in Splatoon is not punishing unlike in 3D Mario, the former you just respawn and jump to a teamate to continue on the latter has often meant you have to redo the task or level and in Mario the are things that have killed the player in one hit as well like platforming sections, certain enemies, failing specific tasks etc... Once you get into it you start to realize it's not as casual as you think.

Spraying ink aimlessly can make you lose yeah but so can simply running around just trying to rack up kills, someone can run around firing ink and win without a single kill whicl the person with 15 kills still loses. It's easy to understand just cover the arena in ink and just as easy to do.

This is how I know you're somewhat out of your league here someone being competitive is different from someone playing casually for fun, Ranked is there for competitive play i.e. people who want to master their skill and be the best, the system matches these players by rank  and constantly assesses their skill, in unranked the game doesn't measure your skill it just counts the number of games you're playing and gives you points to unlock more gear. I will blame you here because the term I used is correct when discussing multiplayer games and only someone with no idea about the concept of competitive play can even misunderstand.

Competitive means that it involves competition.  That's what the word means.  Stop holding me accountable for your poor word choice. 

You're arguing that the presence of other people trying to win is not casual friendly so under that logic games like MK, Smash, COD, FIFA etc... aren't casual friendly but as we can see from the majority who buy these games you're quite wrong on this aspect.

Nope.  I'm not sure how many times I have to point out that I'm not arguing this before you stop repeating it.

Not cherry picking that accusation falls more to yourself and your flawed reasoning about Splatoon, Odyssey will no doubt have bigger worlds, more puzzles, more moves (we already know this one), more worlds which are likely to require specific approaches, likely many more mechanics etc... This requires a more avid approach then Splatoon's very simple to get into gameplay which is universal across all its modes. You're busy harping on about how comparisons  are not right what not to cover the flaws in your argument and I'll highlight some of them.

I don't know about more moves.  Depends how you count the various weapon types.  I'm not sure exactly what more mechanics would mean.  I also don't know what more avid means in this context.  Or how Mario's gameplay is not simple to get into.  Run, jump.  

Using two analogues - Guess what people have been using them since the PS1, Mario will require it for the Camera so a contradiction here in your argument, Gyro is also option to use and one that is more casual friendly as well.

You know what else we've been doing since the PS1 game?  Playing 3D Mario games.  

Besides, people who have been playing dual analog games since the PS1 probably don't qualify as casual gamers.

Only two of the Mario games actually were on a system that even had a second joystick, so I don't know why you would assume odyssey will use it extensively if at all.  Only 1/3 of the games have.  At any rate, you are virtually always free to come to a dead stop before adjusting the camera, which you only have to do occasionally.  In Splatoon you need to constantly control the camera, while being attacked.  Doing more things at once = more complicated.

 Splatoon you only have four enemies to battle against while team mates help you out so that balances out things, in casual play the enemies arer also other casual players as well.

If you think that fighting against enemies that are bound by incredibly limited patterns is as complex as dealing with other humans who have no set patterns, and can attack from multiple angles from anywhere in the level... Then you don't know what complex means.  

Button usage - Mario requires more then 3 buttons and some actions aren't as easy for casuals to master like wall jumps to get to specific platforms and so on, again this balances it self out and tbh Splatoon edges this one because the actions to enjoy the game are dead simple 3D Mario games have had micro tricks that have generally been trickier to handle.

Yes.  Mario games are known for their incredible complexity.  Who can master the art of jumping into a wall and then pressing the jump button again?  Much easier than navigating a firefight.  You're right.  

I'm confused as to all of these buttons you're regularly using in Mario.  I'm fairly certain that every Mario game can be beaten solely with the jump, crouch, and attack/run button. And I'm actually not sure you're ever even required to use the crouch button. 

Death - Dying in Splatoon is not punishing unlike in 3D Mario, the former you just respawn and jump to a teamate to continue on the latter has often meant you have to redo the task or level and in Mario the are things that have killed the player in one hit as well like platforming sections, certain enemies, failing specific tasks etc... Once you get into it you start to realize it's not as casual as you think.

Virtually every game (including Splatoon) has a penalty for dying.  The penalty for dying in Mario is pretty minimal.  There are frequent checkpoints, the levels are not that long, and one hit kill enemies are exceedingly rare.  You're trying to make Mario sound like Dark Souls, and it isn't.  

Spraying ink aimlessly can make you lose yeah but so can simply running around just trying to rack up kills, someone can run around firing ink and win without a single kill whicl the person with 15 kills still loses. It's easy to understand just cover the arena in ink and just as easy to do.

You'll have to show me some of these matches where one team averages 15 kills and loses to another team averaging 0 kills.  Never seen anything close to that happening.