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not gonna recommend any games to you just yet cos you've plenty to be getting on with RE4, Z&W and all of the recommends in this thread (but hey you've gotta play Zelda and SMG).

I had seemingly the same problems when first got my wii online where the connection kept dropping but I had a cheap Belking router and it was actually a model Nintendo didn't recommend.

In the end I assigned a static IP address to the Wii and set the thing up manually and it's been great ever since.

*Little tip (obvious I know but) - if you do choose to attempt to set it up manually like I did then ensure you add a new connection and dont edit the existing as it's always good to keep a working one.

Here are some useful links: - error code lookup - incompatibile router and issue's with some ISP's

But hey I bought mine at launch and a lot may have changed with Wii firmware updates an all that.