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Mr Puggsly said:
Turkish said:

The track doesn't look blander than what's in Forza, which was heavily criticized for its cartboardbox trees and audience. The only thing that sticks out to me in both Nurburgring footage is that Forza has patches of grass sticking out here and there, but the rest of the field looks arid while in GT the grass looks nicely trimmed. Also this was GT5 on PS3 so not sure how it's gonna be more bland

It's the lighting that makes GT so lifelike, the lighting in Forza is awful in comparison. I mean it makes GT6 still look as good as today's current gen racers.

I remember they were fixing the fps with patches, not real 60 but close. Also GT on PS3 ran at 1080p, which is mindblowing, but if you set the system to 720p the framerate got better.

"Well, this time they have to deliver 60fps"

What does that sound like? When did they not have to deliver 60fps? Are you gonna start another useless argument in a Playstation specific thread?

GT's lighting doesn't look so lifelike to me, but whatever. Forza and GT are going a different direction on lighting, preference is subjective but other aspects make them technically at par.

The cardboard audience was for Forza 5 and that was a rushed game for launch. Forza 6 made good on that, a much more polished product.

GT6 was not true 1080p. The vertical resolution was 1080p but horizontal was 1440. Its not amazing because the presentation suffers from big frame drops, constant screen tear, etc. If it was actually hitting 60 fps, that would be amazing. Forza 3/4 in comparison are locked at 60 fps, no tear, and overall is a more polished looking games. Forza 3 and 4 were technical marvels in the 7th gen, no other racers deliver performance and visuals at par.

Constant screen tear? I platinumed GT6, can't rememer it being much of an issue. The native vertical res looked lovely on a 1080p projector, plus many tracks had dynamic lighting and weather, and more cars on track. GT6 was more of a technical marvel than Forza 3 and 4. It had more tracks too. Forza had baked lighting, no rain, less cars on track, 60% of the resolution and removed detail from the tracks outside of time trial.

Lighting has always been more realistic in GT. GT took a lot of assets from older games though which makes it look less polished or less even. Forza simply kept it a slim package. Guess which had more replay value.

I wonder what GT Sport will bring. I like the broad approach of GT so far. A more tigthly focussed effort doesn't seem to have the same lasting appeal.