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My most important political view: Never ever join a party. Once you do that you've sold your identity to a hivemind of thoughtless philosophical zombies (or p-zombie). Politically I believe what I want. That means I could agree with the left, right, center, and any other direction politicals will use. However, the danger in that is that if you believe in something that is insync with a political group you are often labeled as part of that group by the opposing opinion which bothers me to no end. I'm not a democrat, republican, anarchist, liberal, etc. Unfortunately (I do not see it here, thank God) a lot of people put their party above their own interests, hence why I'd never join a group. It's like, yes, sell out your own values because you want to piss off the other side you incompetent shithead. Go ahead, shoot yourself in the foot. And they do.

However, those here are probably know I have a disdain (to put it nicely) for Mr. Trump. He has done nothing but reaffirmed my belief that parties are the cancer of politics. People are fighting friends, family, etc over his nonsense. It's not worth it.