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Cloudman said:
Aren't there different levels of being a vegetarian? There's the type that allow fish, eggs and daily, the ones that take out fish, and the extreme ones that don't eat anything from an animal. I learned their names at some point, but now I don't remember them.

I do rememebr fish being called a 'white' meat, whatever that means. Either way, when it comes to lent, on Fridays people aren't allowed to eat red eat, so they eat white meat instead. I don't recall the story on why it is like this, but yeah, that how it goes.

Ovo/Lacto Vegetarian(most common) No meat, but eats eggs/milk

Lacto Vegetarian- No meat, only milk/dairy products

Vegan(me)- Doesn't consume any animal products, that includes wearing leather/fur or any other products made from animals or their by products. 

Pesco/Pollo- Only Chicken and fish

Pesco- Only fish

Ironically enough Ovo/Lacto Vegetarains are nearly as big of a contributor to animal suffering as Ominvors. Sometimes more because they generally consumer more dairy producs and eggs than Omnivors. Dairy cows and chickens are the worst treated animals in factory farms. They exploit them for their by products until they drop dead or eventually die from exhaustion.