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A quick analysis of the major teams....

FRANCE- aging squad, henry and viera and makalele are entering the 'i need a fucking walking stick' age

HOLLAND- they have talent, but they are too busy beating each other up and whining about who is better

SPAIN- they always get hyped up, but then they do a 'jim from american pie' and blow their load to early

GERMANY- in a word, OLD

PORTUGAL- if cristiano 'the dancing diving twat' ronaldo gets injured, expect portugal to self implode

ITALY- as i am 1/8th italian, i would love them to win, but without cannavaro, can the defence based defending team who will soon be defending the world cup show that they like to....defend?

AUSTRIA- your having a laugh. go home

GREECE- the defending champions, they specialise in sitting in their own half until they get a corner, which sees every single greek player storm the opposition penalty area where they usually nab a goal, which then leads to every single greek player camping in the greek half for the rest of the match, beating back every opposition attack like the 300 spartans.

Thank you for your time

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot