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fun fact: the Illuminati use to be a real organization before it became a meme, and around 300 years ago, there were actually people who attempted to control the people by controlling the trends. however, they are not real anymore and anyone who is convinced that they still exist just needs to take it down a notch.

i'm all for fun and games but actually believing that stuff is nonsense. i havent played the game myself, but from what ive seen it well deserves the perfect scores. the game has minimal glitches, looks fantastic, and stays true to the creator's original vision of the game after attempting to perfect it since the 1980's.

but then you never know. maybe the illuminati is still out there. some days i have a hard time deciding what i want for breakfast, so if somebody else wants to help me decide which trends to follow, and which superstitions i should believe.... eh, I'd be pretty okay with that