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Hiku said:
Goodnightmoon said:

The systems works really well indeed, the whole game is designed with that in mind, the problem is to play the game with the wrong mindset

I wouldn't label it as the right or wrong mindest. They're just different mindsets to have.
Becoming attached to certain items, or wanting to be strategic in how you want to use them can provide an extra layer of enjoyment in games.
For example, I've found weapons that weren't the strongest in the game, but that I enjoyed using more than any other weapon. Partially because of how the weapon works, but other times also because the things that happened on the way of finding the weapon, which I'm reminded of every time I see it.
Having this mindset can also be beneficial in specific technical ways. For example, in Shin Megami Tensei 3, the first creature (weapon) you encounter is a Pixie. I got attached to her because of the circumstances surounding how I met her, so I kept her and used her throughout the whole game, even though she quickly fell behind in usefuness compared to other personas.
Little did I know that at the end of the game, if you still had that Pixie in your party, she could become the strongest ally in the game.

People with "the right" mindset (as you labeled it) would commonly fuse her into other Personas, and eventually get rid of her/sell her in favor of having other much stronger allies in their roster, missing out on the chance to get the Uber Pixie.

That's an example of a technical benefit, but there are plenty of others that can't be quantified in numbers that I've experienced when playing.

It's not a mindset that can always or easily change from game to game. Some times a bit of leyway is required to not get bothered by something.
And just because someone can't enjoy the characters from For Honor because it features nothing but big mucular brutes, and they prefer lean, more graceful and stylish looking characters, I wouldn't say that's the wrong mindeset to have.
When developing games, developers always consider who the game caters to, and they have to make decisions that they know can't please everyone.

I disagree, if someone goes into Dark Souls 3 and mindlessly mashes buttons because that's what they enjoy it's still the wrong mindset even if that's what they prefer. They can do that as much as they want but don't be too surprised if the game becomes more and more punishing trying to play that way.

They can have a different mindset sure but it doesn't mind it's the ideal or optimal mindset to go into a certain game with, having the optimal mind set doesn't mean limited in approach either as many BOTW players approach the game differently the main common factor in the game is that they adjust their play to still respect what is optimal.