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 I don't think combat would be interesting if my weapons break in a few hits. That would encourage me to rather than fighting enemies avoid combat situations. ALos weapons shattering just sounds ludicrous.

Breaking weapons are there in the Souls games but the weapons are still intact, they just do way less damage and the damage decreases with each hit. Also the weapons still have significant durability so that doesn't put me away from combat. That is the way to do it in my opinion. I could be wrong as I haven't played the game.

You have a really weird taste in gaming though, liking Killzone 1 more than 2 and 3, Infamous 1 more than 2 and Second Son, God of War 1 more than any of its sequels, Uncharted 2 more than 3, now not liking Assassin's Creed 2. I really can't trust you xD

I'm kidding btw but still you and I have vastly different tastes in gaming even when we do like the same franchises.


It's true, my tastes are atypical

But I'm glad we can have a nice debate even though our favorite games are so different :)