Barkley said:
No... that's why I said I'm forced to buy the hardware IF I want to be able to buy the games. |
The same goes for any of the big 3 console manufacturers. If you want to play Gears of War and Halo, etc., you have to buy an XBox. If you want to play Uncharted, etc., you have to buy a PlayStation. The choice is yours as to whether or not you want to spend the money on the hardware to play those games. In 2006, when Sony asked me to spend $599 on a video game console I said "no", regardless of how much enjoyment I got out of my PS1 & PS2. I didn't moan about not being able to play Sony's games on my Wii or XBox 360, which I was able to buy both of for just about the price of 1 PS3. Playing video games is a luxury. How much you spend on that luxury is all up to you and how much you are willing to spend on it. Not you specifically, but the hypocrisy of so many people claiming their desire for Nintendo to go 3rd Party being for pro-consumer motives is ironic, when it is actually very anti-consumer to limit choice in such a way.