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Interested to see what the 3rd gameplay style is.

I was never too fond of this modern Sonic on rails gameplay, though i enjoy classic Sonic. The third gameplay style will be the deciding factor.

arcaneguyver said:
I just don't understand. The Sonic games peiple actually lived were mostly exploration & platforming, with some obstacles requiring a burst of speed to overcome, and maybe once per stage there is a short "gotta go fast" semi-interactive bit. Yeah, Sonic's shtick is speed, but that doesn't have to dictate the entire direction of the game. That homing attack should be an aspect of Super Sonic or something, not a base ability.

Pretty much. I am hoping Sonic Mania is way more sucessful than this so it may send a message. 2D Sonic isn't just about going fast. It's bursts, because theres platforming and gimmicks in between. Sonic adventure 1 and 2 did it right aswell, but modern Sonic has been this constant on rails thing that isn't very compelling.

Tere have been some open world fan game projects aswell that show that theres a tons of potencial in Sonic if they go for a seamless open world and slow him down (not with a button like in lost world though).