I guess I just don't understand the point of topics like this. Like are you saying you WANT Nintendo to go third party for your own personal reasons (ie, being able to play their games on your console of choice)? Fine, but it's obviously not going to happen, so what's the point? Either bite the bullet and buy a Nintendo console to play their games or stick with your PC lite consoles in XB One and PS4 and drop this stupid topic.
Or rather, are you saying it'll make financial sense for Nintendo to go third party? Judging from the profit Nintendo makes on its hardware, as well as how much Switch seems to be taking off right now, and looking at Sega as an example of what happens when a hardware manufacturer goes third party.. that theory is simply misguided at best and completely asinine at worst. I also quite enjoy my Switch hardware and judging from sales many others agree, so what exactly the problem again? Why should they stop making quality hardware?
I can only conclude at this point that people making the "Nintendo should go third party" argument are either extremely cheap and can't be bothered to spend the extra $200-$300 to buy a console or simply hold an irrational dislike to Nintendo to the point that they want to see them either wiped from the industry or marginalized to Sega level of insignificance by making games for other platforms. In either case, I can't argue with such nonsense.. If you're going to present such short-sighted ideas at least be honest with your intentions behind them..
"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden