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Thanks for your insight Benga.

I agree with most of what you said, but I am still worried that no 3rd party has shifted some resources for the Wii, or at least make big multiplat games for the Wii too so far in this gen. If they are gonna start some big project it better be now. They need to see that there's a huge potential market. I will hold my judgements until E3 finishes.

One last thing, I think this gen the Wii will have the most exclusives, and good ones. The way things are going, I believe that a gamer will only need Wii + one HD to be completely satisfied, and that's why I see Wii at the top this gen, because most console hardcores will only need one HD mostly, as majority of the games are multiplats, while Wii will have a lot of exclusives and a lot of casual support.