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F.Scofield said:
Well, we know pikmin 4 developmentis probably done by now, the animal crossing is for sure being made already, but this forecast...

I can only see it happening in one, only one scenario:
- Monster hunter and Yokai watch is confirmed for japan.
- Animal crossing, pokemon eclipse and metroid is announced at E3, maybe even Donkey Kong since it's being highly teased through easter eggs in super mario odyssey trailer.
- Super smash deluxe coming this year.
- Virtual Console with GC/Wii library.
- Release of the browser and multimedia Apps (netflix, youtube,hulu)
- Fix/Patch for the hardware issues and software (joycons,gpu leak).

unless all of above happens this E3 it's very unlikely they will sell anywhere close to that, i hope their spectations is due to what bombs they are gonna bring instead of guessing through 2 weeks of sales.

Of Course that not all above needs to happen to sell "anywhere close to that", Switch already have huge games for this year, at ends year console will have Zelda BotW, ARMS, MK8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey, if they managed to have Pokemon at holiday season those numbers are very possible.