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Well, we know pikmin 4 developmentis probably done by now, the animal crossing is for sure being made already, but this forecast...

I can only see it happening in one, only one scenario:
- Monster hunter and Yokai watch is confirmed for japan.
- Animal crossing, pokemon eclipse and metroid is announced at E3, maybe even Donkey Kong since it's being highly teased through easter eggs in super mario odyssey trailer.
- Super smash deluxe coming this year.
- Virtual Console with GC/Wii library.
- Release of the browser and multimedia Apps (netflix, youtube,hulu)
- Fix/Patch for the hardware issues and software (joycons,gpu leak).

unless all of above happens this E3 it's very unlikely they will sell anywhere close to that, i hope their spectations is due to what bombs they are gonna bring instead of guessing through 2 weeks of sales.

“On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.” - Satoru Iwata