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Turkish said:

And those reviews were absolutely fucking real, I read the article a few hours after it got up and these users

all had reviews in them. Also lol at you for including users who give Zeruda a 7/10, only further proving Jim's point.

And yeah he's right when he says Zeruda fans are targeting Horizon. With posts like these what do you expect

To sum up:

-Jim has every right to give it a 7/10

-You need to respect his score and opinion, he thinks it's a good game but not perfect

-You have no right to ddos people for their opinion and for bringing da 98 to a 97, holy shit

Isn't it magical how somehow those reviews are real, yet no longer exist, whilst the Zelda reviews are still up? In the image you shared, Horizon was only mentioned once, and it certainly didn't seem like the person was calling the game bad, just criticizing Jim for a lack of consistency. 

To sum up: 

- Nobody here is saying he doesn't have a right to give the game a 7/10. 

- No I don't. I criticize opinions based on faulty premises, misfacts, and which show inconsistencies in the opinion holder's credibility. There is no inherent reason to respect opinions just because they are opinons.

- Nobody here ddos'd him, so I don't know why you are even bringing that up.