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You have a point there, it gets cheaper and cheaper to make good looking games, but you still have to create all the content and make (or buy) the engine. It may become cheaper over time, but it will still be really expensive to build graphics to the best of the consoles ability, not to mention what it will cost to go beyond that. Most likely that extra money will only bring less revenue. But you were right.

 About the second part, I'm not so sure your objection holds entirely (but, as I said, I try not to presume too much). The shift towards the new values Nintendo brings will not just affect console gamers, but PC gamers as well (this is purely speculation and I have no basis for this claim whatsoever). Also, I think you are putting too much value on what the developers think, and not how the gamers actually vote. If epic wants to make great-looking games for the PC that sells less than Audiosurf they'll probably loose a lot of money.

Your arguments have merit, I just like to argue ;)

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