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Hynad said:
NATO said:

By saying open world games should do something you're implying they generally don't, when the fact that they do dissolves that claim, thus, it's nothing new states that it's something already done and used.

And skyrim has all manner of quests, not all quests are marked on your map, and many sidequests only start when you've explored on your own accord and found an item/npc/location not marked on the map.


You're seeing what you want (as if often the case). If you had read the thread, she specifically mentions that modern games in the same genre as BOTW tend to hold your hand (which is trues, based on most notable example given: Witcher 3, Skyrim, Fallout 4, GTA V, Horizon, ...). Most games generally hold your hand and point you in the right direction instead of telling you to find the location by yourself, based on hints and rumors given by NPCs, and the likes. 

You can name all the exceptions you want, and pinpoint the one aspect of certain games that, unlike the rest of their content, wouldn't hold your hand, the point is that Onionberry is asking for more of what she experienced in BOTW. Never does she says this is the only game that ever did that. Just that she enjoys that aspect and hope for more games to embrace that to the same extant. 


Seriously, those downplayers...

whatever you say boss, anyway, hows finding a new gf going?