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Nem said:

Your examples are insane.

First you are linking 7/10's, wich are beyond the scope of metabombing and relations to other games aswell. That is not what he is talking about.

Also, are those fakes or are those people who took them down after he named them? Hm? The desperation continues.

All this cause he made a justified 7/10 review hm? How terrible he is and how self-righteous Zelda fans are! This is beyond ridiculous.

When the person hasn't played the game, it is not beyond the scope of metabombing. Read their reviews. A 7/10 still bombs the score when it is below the average and the people giving it have not played the game. Only people who play the game should be reviewing it. As for whether or not the accounts were banned/reviews deleted? Um, couldn't the same thing have happened with BOTW's scores? You addressed nothing else I mentioned. Figures. As if you don't have your own bias here. You already mentioned your silly conspiracy theories of how people are going to suddently dislike the game in a week or so.