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This is from someone who interviewed Ted Price, presumably a pretty important guy at Insomniac Games. 


-Both Resistance games will get Home and Trophy support. In what way is still unknown. ''(What is 'Trophy'?!)''.

-30 FPS and 720p (not 564 upscaled, real 720p). They did it with Ratched, they can do it with R2.

-Installation is as of now unknown. They prefer installation if it reduces loadtimes though.

-Trying to reduce loading times to a minimum ''(possible ingame loading)''.

-Single player mode will be => then Resistance's single player length. They like shorter stories too though, CoD4 comes to mind.

-They say they work really efficient: 3 games in 3 years for the PS3. They keep using the same engine and the same tools, although they fine-tune and upgrade some stuff. So Resistance 2 is built out of the Resistance engine.

-2nd game already in pre-productions. Should be released late 2009. They've never missed a launch-window for the PS3 and have been able to crank out AAA PS3 games year on year.