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zero129 said:
sc94597 said:
@ Zero until now I've been ignoring your post bedcause of the ignorance of what I've been saying. I am in now way saying that the consoles will go anywhere, but I am saying they rely alot on pc ports. Also name me some games that were developed on consoles first and ported to pc. Of course the games that were earlier ported to consoles and suceeded will stay but most new pc games won't be ported. Gears was put on the 360 because of it being graphically superior to high end pcs at the time, and will stay on their but we won't see to many games like gears that show off new engines anymore. I was just proving that without alot of the pc ports the consoles will lose alot of third party, but will also gain new exclusives to them specifically. Never has there been consoles so dependent on pc games. That was just the top ten rated btw, should I show the games rated below that?


Well then instead of ignoring my posts you should of read them and you will see how you're points are pretty much invalid and have no substance to them imo.. I have giving you good points each time to show how it will not matter, and yet you keep replying with the same stuff. The is no proof to show that them developers will stop making games for the Hd consoles but yet you seem to think they will just stop, that is a very good base to start your argument on -_- . By the time UE4 *Epic* comes out im sure the next Xbox and maybe even the PS4 will be out. The UE3 (That alot of devs etc are using) Is very scalable so almost all games made for even high end PC's with this could in some form also be ported to the HD consoles. I agree with you that the Will be PC games that won't come to the consoles, but when has that not been the case?? that still does not mean them developers are just going to "Leave" the HD consoles..
I'm talking about in a year or two though when it will be like porting a game from hd consoles to the wii.  It's possible, but would it be worth it?Not really.  ALot of the sequels will come to hd consoles, but most new games aren't going to be ported the way they have been. #rd parties would have to compensate for this lack of games able to port to the consoles, and will have to make more console exclusives, and console only mutiplats.