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Another French guy here!

I guess we have quite a strong and active manga/anime/Japan community here. Anime have been in kids TV shows or channels for a long time now. We also have a strong "Bande dessinée" market (France and Belgium comics) really favorable to manga, because it's quite natural for us to buy and read manga-like books in a lot of stores. "Bande dessinée" (Astérix, Tintin, Lucky Luke) is the traditionnal market, but manga kinda became the new popular branch of this market and is now everywhere, even in public libraries, with a lot of events or articles about it even in mainstream media, and strong publishers.

So not every French guy is a Japan fan, but I guess more people here are used to Japanese content. It's also true for other things, French people are usually really open to other cultures. We're the number 2 biggest pizza eaters behind the US too ^^.