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Safiir said:
Tryklon said:
Wii sold more than 100 million units. What third party AAA titles did it get?

Wii sold 100m because it got the ultra casuals super interested in motion controls. Which is why it had explosives sales which died out really fast. It would have done similarly even if it had nothing but the handful motion control games like wii sports. Don't try to use it as an example of what happens when a console doesn't have third party AAA titles.

Ok, what about DS or 3DS? How much did 3rd party AAA multiplats contribute to their sales?

3 out of 4 of Nintendos most recent gaming devices sold good-great with limited AAA support, ironically the only one that sold extremely poorly had the best AAA support.

I think we should be able to agree that 3rd party AAA multiplats have little impact on Nintendo sales.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.