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Final-Fan said:
sc94597 said:
XGamer0611 said:
sc94597 said:
XGamer0611 said:
The only reason PC gaming isn't number one platform or will ever be is the cost of hardware. In PC gaming you have to upgrade your hardware every 12-18 months. That isn't something people want to do or can afford for that matter.

With the price of high-end video cards exceeding the price of the PS3 and 360 (combined). There is a reason consoles stay the number one form of gaming.
But the consols rely alot on pc games. There is no doubt the pc games will stay on pc as the developement costs are cheaper, and the software sales are pretty good for the install base.
I agree with you. PC games are great. My point is unless hardware prices take a steep drop the PC will always be the alternative to the consoles.
That doesn't make sense.There is a very large userbase of pc gamers that will buy the games, and the attach rates are probably alot higher than those on the 360 and ps3. So I don't see how price would affect it unless the userbase was small, and games don't sell which it's isn't and they don't.
lol wut

define "attach rate" because you must not be thinking of the same thing I am thinking of. 
I'm talking relative to the pc gamers, rather than everyone who owns a computer.

@ Slimebeast agreed, I may have uderstood the pont of it incorrectly before.