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Granted this isn't the first time someone has stolen a nex-gen game system but...



I’ve heard a lot of stories about people robbing someone for a console, but this one really is a despicable story.

According to reports, Richard Maldonado was in a Laundromat with his girlfriend and her daughter. In the Laundromat was a boy who was playing on an Xbox 360 while helping his mother watch the Laundromat. The boy left his Xbox 360 unattended for a couple of minutes, but upon returning noticed it was missing. He noticed Maldonado leaving the Laundromat with a blue laundry bag with wires hanging out of it. The boy chased Maldonado and confronted him at a local bank parking lot.

The boy pleaded with Maldonado to give him back his game and told him that it was a gift from his mother after his father died. The boy later explained to officers that the game was a gift from his mother on his first Christmas after his father passed away. It was meant to make him feel better even though she could not afford such an expensive gift.

And what did Maldonado, or as I like to refer to him “Model citizen of the year” do upon hearing that tragic story? He picked up a brick and continually told the boy to “Back Off”. Maldonado got away with the Xbox 360, but police officers learned his whereabouts from the woman he was with in the laundromat and apprehended him and returned the Xbox 360 to the boy."