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Swordmasterman said:

Isn't a very good move, let the  market free of competition, but  they can't release the Scorpio before E3. And they probably need the Scorpion version  in order to market their unannounced games

We will see if it works out or not, Microsoft has been very transparant they announced their new console and how they would support their current line up of consoles more then a year in advance and the drought that people are refering to was never a secret but a planned moment.

Maybe it is a horrible move and nobody will buy a Scorpio its way to early to tell. Sony managed to launch a PS4 Pro last year with almost no support and a VR headset side by side and they got very possitive responses but I think going at it the other way and making sure there is some games that will really show what the new Hardware can do, which they have build years towards is also something to get excited about.

Its always a give- and take enviorment and people will like different approaches but this is nowhere near comparable to what happened to for excample the Wii-U at times and the Third party support from American developers has also been strong and this year has enough games for the genral gamer.

I'm not trying to say XBox is better or worse but I do think if you have a plan, and Phil and their team clearly do, that you shouldn't go at it halfway and really go for it 100% and they have done excactly that. And with Halo Wars and some small indy releases as exclusives they have done something at least, right? For me its very exciting to see where all of this is building up towards and I am ready to be suprised- or dissapointed around E3 ;)

But ofc. with a gaming pc and a ps4 I have nothing to complain about anyway.

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