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zero129 said:
potato_hamster said:

Have you considered that perhaps, like many of the people here who do accept that BotW has many flaws, that perhaps Jim gave Skyrim a 10/10 because he believes it deserves it. Whereas with BotW, he found the flaws hampering his expereince in a way he never found with Skyrim, that overally caused him to dock points and give it a 7/10. Maybe it's because the stamina meter is right next to your face all of the time in BotW and thus it's constantly reminding you of how irritating this feature is

I don't know. I'm not Jim Sterling. I'm not even a fan. This is the first review of his I've ever read. I have no idea how he grades these things. All I do know is that his criticisms are valid. I found many of the same things when I played it for the few hours I did. As far as I'm concerned it's a 7.5-8.5/10 game from my experience, but again, I only played it for a few hours.

Funny enough the only people here who i see agree with the flaws that jim seems to have of BOTW are mostly Sony gamers and people who didnt play the game. I wonder why that is??.

I seriously doubt that's the case, but if it somehow was up until this point, I own a Wii U and an XBO, have played BotW through to the end, and I would wholeheartedly agree with the majority of his complaints. Particularly weapons durability and stamina. It's not that stamina itself is a flawed mechanic, it's just how little stamina Link starts out with.