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You know, with how much Fairy Tail has been annoying me lately, I forget that Hiro can occasionally pull off a really well done scene. Probably one of the better chapters I've read in a while. My jaw dropped at that twist in the end...though I suppose it makes sense looking back. August is the actual child of Mavis and Zeref, not the boy calling himself Zeref's son. With the parents being immortal, the child could really be any age, so it was pretty deceptive for him to hide the actual child as an old man, instead of the youthful appearance the fake son had. Makes sense why August was so invested in that question, "Why was his Majesty's child not loved?"  

Just wish the manga stayed this interesting...but it'll likely be connected with a ton of bullshit up to the next scene I enjoy.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334