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Nautilus said:
FallingTitan said:
happy nintendo had a good opener! But also secretly sad i wont be able to play mario and donkey kong on my xbox one in the future. i was kinda hoping they become 3rd party game maker if the switch fails.

I hate being forced into a system for a handful of games. but switch might do that to me in 4-5 years. I swear ninty would make way more money just making games for ps4,x1,pc. i have a x1 and strong pc. r9 390x.

No, its far more profitable to be owner of the platform and taking all the platform profits that comes associated with it than publishing it on other consoles.It is far more profitable to launch on Switch that, lets say, sells 50 million lifetime(and for the sake of the example, lets say that MK 8 sells 25 millions on it) than selling "only" 10 millions more on other platforms.Its more profitable per unit, sells consoles(and gets profit out of it), sells acessories associated with it, if manages to atract new customers, those then transform into more sale buying other games on Switch, etc etc.

lets say the ps4 and x1 and pc have over 200 million users combined. maybe ninty can get 50 more mill says per game. then that would make it better?