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I own two of them. I have an original black 3DS that I bought on day 1, and a black N3DS XL that I also bought on day 1. While my old 3DS is more or less retired now, I still use my N3DS quite a bit. i always have it with me when I leave the house and will usually get in at least a few hours every day.

Wii U:
I own the original deluxe bundle from the 2012 launch. I go back to play it occasionally, right now I am actually playing through TMS#FE. Its fun to play with friends but since mid-last year I have had multi-month long periods where it isnt even plugged in. I will go back and play Smash 4, Nintendo Land, and Splatoon mainly.

I do not own one yet, and while I do want to buy one at some point, literally every reason possible is preventing me from getting one currently. There are no games that I want currently out for it, I dont have the money to buy one, it is out of stock everywhere, and I am hesitant to buy one until all the numerous issues are fixed. and I am planning on getting Splatoon 2, Super Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, and potentially Yooka-Laylee