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potato_hamster said:
Mnementh said:

So you say breath of the Wild and Tomb Raider are of the same quality? Oh look, Family Party got NO positive review, surely it is treated unfairly because it isn't from Nintendo. It should get the same score as BotW.

You seem to have a hard time to accept that the reviewers really mostly felt that the game was THAT good, instead seeing a sinister Nintendo-conspiracy.

"Don't you think it's a bit disingenious to tell others that they should just accept all of those "near perfect" review scores when you're having a hard time accepting that the people that are criticizing this game have played the game as well? How do you actually know that the people who gave these near perfect scores even played the game as much as the people who are criticizing it?"

Because many of the zero scores in Metacritic actually wrote: I haven't played the game, but ...

But yes, let's instead believe in the big Nintendo-conspiracy.

Why does PS4 has more well scored games than WiiU metacritic then? Ah, well ...

No of course Tomb Raider isn't as good as Breath of the Wild, but that's not the point is it? Breath of the Wild is not a near perfect game, and has been let off the hook for criticisms that other games (like Tomb Raider) also feature and were appropriately deducted for. I do not believe that BotW (or any other game for that matter) is SO GOOD that it's flaws can be totally ignored when scoring the game.

And many of the 10 scores in Metacritic actually wrote: I haven't played the game, but...

What does PS4 have to do with a consistent theme that some series (like Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto, the Witch, Zelda,  etc) tend to have their criticisms overlooked when scoring those series? That has nothing to do with the platforms themselves.

True enough.


I genereally don't believe that perfect scores should be given at all, really. Even if a game has no mentionable flaws. As in all art, the quality of a game is something that is open above, and there always should be room for more. 

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