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golfgt170 said:
palou said:

You can edit reviews on Amazon. 


In comparision to Metacritic, the Amazon reviews remove negative trolling, while probably keeping some of the positive fanboying. This makes them, in average, quite a bit higher than the metacritic scores. However, for a comparision, removing one falsifying factor makes the data more accurate. 

So it keeps fans and buyers happy. Clever!

I did not mean that they remove reviews - that was poorly formulated, my apologies. That would be innacurate, they don't do that.


I simply meant that Amazon gives you the possibility to filter out reviews of only people that bought the game (the only people that should be reviewing in the first place), thus making it possible for you to ignore any negative trolling (since people won't spend 60 dollars just to give a negative review.) The score will be higher, because people like the type of game they buy, usually.



If you look at only verified purchases, you get:


-235 people with a 5 star review; (Horizon: 282)

-9 people with a 4 star review; (Horizon: 12)

-2 people with a 3 star review; (Horizon: 4)

-1 person with a 2 star review; (Horizon: 2)

-3 people with a 1 star review. (Horizon: 8)


I think that this shows that people that played the game mostly enjoyed it quite a bit more than the Metacritic user score would imply.

Also, notice that the reviews are, in average, quite a bit further after release date. So people at least gave themselves the weekend before commenting.

Bet with PeH: 

I win if Arms sells over 700 000 units worldwide by the end of 2017.

Bet with WagnerPaiva:


I win if Emmanuel Macron wins the french presidential election May 7th 2017.