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golfgt170 said:
potato_hamster said:

Don't you think it's a bit disingenious to tell others that they should just accept all of those "near perfect" review scores when you're having a hard time accepting that the people that are criticizing this game have played the game as well? How do you actually know that the people who gave these near perfect scores even played the game as much as the people who are criticizing it?

I don't accept that this is a 10/10 game to the vast majority of video game reviewers if they're holding Nintendo to the same standards as they do every other game any more than I accepted it for Metal Gear Solid V or Grand Theft Auto V. I feel certain series get special treatment and its not right. Nothing you've said has invalidated that premise.

As you can see from the answers i'm getting about metacritic user score, we only have a problem about the 0%s and not the 100%s. I didnt hear ANYONE say smthn about all those 100%s on day one! maybe they played it 24h marathon, finished it and saw it was worth it.

go figure..........

I did complain about those as well. It's just a bad way of comparing a product, since people don't actually need to have the product to be able to express themselves. Better: Amazon reviews! Links provided in my last post.

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