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Kyuu said:
Shiken said:
Honestly anything under 8/10 is clickbait for a game so widely praised, even by non Zelda fans. Reviews should be based on quality of the gameplay alone, not if you like or dislike Zelda.

And aside from a few minor framerate issues, the quality of Breath of the Wild is matched by very few games. I van see nit picking it down to an 8, but a 7 is reaching.

Quality is subjective. The near-unmatched quality you're speaking of is your opinion and nothing more. Yes, your opinion is apparently shared by a large number of people but in no way does that invalidate the opinion of someone who disagrees with it, who does not see the game to be all that great. I'm pretty sure there are thousands of Nintendo gamers who wouldn't score The Last of Us anything over a 7. Many wouldn't even give it a 6, using the little myth of it being too cinematic with forgettable gameplay.

I for one hate open world games in general and view The Elder Scrolls (especially Oblivion), GTA (especially 4), and MGS5 as some of most overrated games of all time. I skipped Horizon but will get Zelda, because it's Zelda. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint me like MGS5 did.

As a former HONEST reviewer, an opinion or personal disappointment in a product is not a measure of quality.  Letting personal feelings get in the way of a final score is hack writting and clickbaits are even worse.


Example, GTAV to me is horrible.  It is boring and I just cannot get into it.  However if I were to score that game I would give it a 10.  This is because even though it bores me to tears, I can see the actual quality within the game.

Likewise, I loved playing the game Xedge for the PS3.  The story was all over the place however and the quality o the game is a 6 at best.  This is what it means to write an honest review.

If yiu are go ok ng to pose as a professional critic and be put on metacritic, you need to act that way.  Zelda is a 9 or a 10.  If you nitpick, an 8 is acceptable.  Anything less and you are really reaching, no matter how you look at it.

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