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I just read in this months issue of Super PLAY (Swedish gaming magazine), under the headline "Three things Konami wants hidden from Super PLAY's readers":
"Non-Interactive Playing time
It will hardly come as a surprise that the finishing part of the MGS saga contains long cutscenes. It's about as obvious as that there will be bosses to fight (another subject that Konami does not want us to mention). Konami does not want us to write about the lenght of the cutscenes, and that might be understandable given the critique aimed at MGS2. But will anyone avoid playing the game just because there is an one and a half hour mainly(principally?) non-interactive cutscene awaiting you in the end?

Obviously, there is a really long cutscene in the end. I'd say that this guy is lying through his teeth (or more likely, twisting words, which amounts to about the same thing). Also, Konami is trying to keep the negative aspects of the game under wraps. Anyone encountering gaming magazines/sites NOT mentioning this should think again about how independent these are.

The other two headlines, btw, were product placement and Installation. Apparently, Konami did not think that the fact that you have to install the game MULTIPLE TIMES were worth mentioning in reviews...

EDIT: SP gave MGS4 a solid 9 by the way. 

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