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Ail said:
It will be a while before the average PC sets itself apart from the HD console.
Sure the top PC already do, but not every PC gamer has a 250$ graphic card.
+ lets not forget that PC runs game at 1600x1200 and consoles run them at a much lower resolution...

Average Dell PC ( I mean the 600-700$ PC)you can buy these days has a NVidia 8600 GT which while being better than what you find in HD consoles isn't that much better when you factor the higher resolution it has to run at compared to HD consoles.

Sure you can have a lot more graphic power running 8800 SLI but not that many people do.......

 YOu don't realize how fast pcs advance do you? A year from now most pcs will be getting the integrated Cpu and Gpu in one processor which is suppose to make the average processor advance enough to play most games of the current. pcs advance really fast, they are already starting to set apart from consoles with games like far cry 2 running so poorly on consoles compared to pc. I belieive this could be good and bad. There will be more than just pc ports for my hd consoles, and my purchase woul dhave been more worth it,  but not as many pc games for other people who like them to play on consoles.