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JEMC said:

AMD Ryzen 7 have a Temperature 20 Degree C Reporting Offset
Alright, in the same blog post as mentioned in the previous item AMD also talks about a Temperature Reporting Offset. This one was new to us, but basically what they claim is the following. To keep a "consistent fan policy," AMD is forcing 20C offset on the Ryzen 1700X and 1800X processors. This makes them report temperature a good 20C above what the sensor reads.
In the short term, users of the AMD Ryzen™ 1700X and 1800X can simply subtract 20°C to determine the true junction temperature of their processor. No arithmetic is required for the Ryzen 7 1700.

>>WTF? So not only do their 8-core chips use less power than Intels, but they're also a whole lot cooler? Very impressive.

Did we read the same report?

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