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Others should be receiving priority for shipments or so the theory goes since NA is currently the least profitable due to the low US $ exchange rate.

Supposedly that's the most probable reason for lower NA shipments of Wii Fit. It's the only reasonable explanation. Nothing to do with the complexity of manufacturing the balance boards (uses the same pressure sensors found in digital scales), or the logistics of shipping them from Japan or wherever it is they're being manufactured (Made in China).

Nintendo had months to prepare for the NA launch. If they saw potential problems for shipping enough units for a solid launch (not measured by 100% sell through via short supply, but by meeting initial demand), they could have delayed the launch until Fall.

But the best way to gauge NA shipments will be to just take the overall number on a month to month basis since weekly NA shipments for hardware (consoles) tends to fluctuate greatly on a week to week basis when you look at the pattern.