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Alkibiádēs said:
think-man said:

Zelda warriors being on top makes sense. Jim is a HUGE musou fan :) like me :P

Hyrule Warriors on 3DS runs terrible. You're basically admitting here he's a fanboy and can't review games properly. In other words, the guy has no integrity or credibility as a reviewer (and probably as a human being as well, but since I don't know him I'll leave that one open). 

And Triforce Heroes higher than Breath of the Wild... Yeah right... 

Well we all like games for different reasons. If you got a Jrpg fan to review a FPS he would probably not enjoy it much and rate it lower than a FPS fan would. What most sites do is they try to put reviewers with the game genres that they usually review. Since Jim is just one guy he does all the reviews, since he likes musou genre he will probably rate them higher. It's biased but all reviewers do it really.