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FallingTitan said:

get the climbers cap in one of the early shrines. it speeds up climbing when worn. I have zero stamina upgrades and can climb almost anything. theres also different techniques to reset the stam bar.  like the first thing i did was climb one of the huge ganon pillars and glide into hyrule castle for end game weapons and bows to start of the game. the climb took a while but i got the hang of it and now can do it blindfolded.


Apparently people don't like to work for their powerups in this game. They want to get everything from start. I got 1.75 bars of stamina, it's more than enough, unlike what Jim claims. He's the last person who should be talking about someone not being able to run that fast for a long period of time anyway, I doubt he has ran more than 1km in his whole life. ;)

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides