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Alkibiádēs said:
naruball said:

Hpw about you let people like what they like and not like what they don't? No one is forcing you to like things you don't no matter how much sense it makes to them and not to you.

People really think they're the centre of the universe. If something goes against their opinion, it's wrong and it goes against common sense. In reality, far from it. I already explained why for me it's not about how long the loading times are, but whether they make sense (for me) in the game.

Feel free to have your own opinion but don't act like it's anything more than it is, i.e. your opinion.

I hope you don't genuinly believe that Bloodborne's long loading times make sense for the game. If the devs could have cut the loading times down, they'd have done so. If you need a breather you can always pauze the game for a minute. What you said makes no sense at all and Bloodborne (or any other game) would be better if it had no loading times. Not everything is subjective, some things can be approached objectively. 

How about you stick to what I said? I never said that I need a breather. Feel free to reread what I said or don't respond to me at all.

I'm aware that the loading times are not a design decision, i.e. that's not their purpose from the creators, but in this particular game (for me), they make sense.Not because I like the game (in fact, I find the gameplay not my cup of tea), but because they fit the whole "you know that if you die these things will happen to you so be as careful as you possibly can". Loading times give me one more reason to try not to die and be on the edge of my seat while playing.

No surprise at the bolded.

"Bloodborne (or any other game) would be better if it had no loading times. Not everything is subjective, some things can be approached objectively".
Nope. Feel free to speak for yourself (and many, if not most, I'm sure will feel the same way, I don't deny this). But for me the game is better because of them for the reason I mentioned. "Objective" and "subjective" don't work the way you think. Save points are not objectively good. Sure most people probably prefer them, so they are subjectively good. But not all do. It is debatable whether they are a good thing or not.