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archer9234 said:
sc94597 said:

Yes, it "teases" you to make your character better by playing the game more. You are rewarded for your effort. That is important, and something many modern games have lost. They make you too capable and too powerful too early. Usually in BOTW there is another way to get onto the ledge though, without having to upgrade, but as Jim noted in his review when you have limited stamina you can't do certain things like tame highly desirable mounts, climb ledges in the rain, or fly indefinitely. 

Imagine how much would be lost in BOTW if the last one were possible. You could just fast travel to a high peak and then fly to anywhere you want. There has to be some limits in order to incentivize exploration and progression rather than make the game a checklist simulator like many other open-world titles. 

Why would a sail cloth make you fly? That makes no sense. A better one would be the magnet ability. Stand on one platform, and fly anywhere. I did edit my post:

Basically, it's easier to max out the stamina bar. Over your health. Because, dying is less anoying. Than all the other stuff. Seriously. I rather die, with only having 3 hearts. VS traveling really far. Get to the towers. And find out I can't reach the top. Because I have not enough stamina. I wasted my time, getting that heart container.

Tieing the health and stamina system, to that point system. Is what is causing the overall problem. Instead of having the heart containers function has the previous games.

It's really never NOT POSSIBLE to get somewhere because you don't have enough stamina, it usually just requires good play and creativity. (example: create yourself an updraft, look for easier roots, find a platform to jump off of, use octobaloons to create a temporary airship, etc...)

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