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naruball said:
Alkibiádēs said:

Zelda's loading times are nowhere near a minute. Entering a shrine maybe takes 10 seconds max. There are also frequent check points, so you never lose a lot of progress. The point special is trying to make is that he let Bloodborne off the hook for its loading times,  but gives Breath of the Wild harsh criticism despite it having much faster loading times. It's obvious to anyone that he wanted to give the game a lower score than most critics from the get go. Now he can play the victim and make another episode from it. The guy's just a big drama queen. 

The cutscenes are hidden loading times, you expect Nintendo to make 120 different cutscenes for each shrine? Jezus Christ... That doesn't scream low budget, but knowing where your priorities lie. I swear, people complain about everything these days. 

Hpw about you let people like what they like and not like what they don't? No one is forcing you to like things you don't no matter how much sense it makes to them and not to you.

People really think they're the centre of the universe. If something goes against their opinion, it's wrong and it goes against common sense. In reality, far from it. I already explained why for me it's not about how long the loading times are, but whether they make sense (for me) in the game.

Feel free to have your own opinion but don't act like it's anything more than it is, i.e. your opinion.

I hope you don't genuinly believe that Bloodborne's long loading times make sense for the game. If the devs could have cut the loading times down, they'd have done so. If you need a breather you can always pauze the game for a minute. What you said makes no sense at all and Bloodborne (or any other game) would be better if it had no loading times. Not everything is subjective, some things can be approached objectively. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides