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archer9234 said:
sc94597 said:

But Skyrim had no points docked despite movement being much more hampered than BotW. It isn't a binary between 10/10 and 7/10. 

Do you know if Jim found the stamina system in Skyrim hampering, in the equal way, that BOTW does it? Could it be, because of other factors, that  compounded onto the stamina system, he ended up hating it more. VS Skyrim, it didn't amplify the issue. You really can't expect people to have the same score, for another game.

Take this. BOTW requires you to use the slate, to see your world markers. Skyrim uses clarvoyance. Both games don't just have the markers visibale, all the time. Which game does it more annoyingly. BOTW.

The question is one of credibility and consistency. I expect both when I adhere to a reviewer's opinions on games I have not played. You can't for one game ignore a fault that is present in another. Skyrim's issues with movement are much more general than in BOTW's. You are slower with respect to the size of the world, and you have fewer means to alleviate this slowness. This never bothered Jim Sterling when he reviewed the game. Alternatively, Jim's gripes about limited stamina early on in BOTW are much more local to a specific point in progression and function. They are much less debalitating overall to the game's experience. He might disagree with my perspective of this, but he then needs to justify it in order to remain credible , otherwise his review is just one of kneejerk feelings, which is okay in so much as he advertises it as such, but when he frames it as if all other reviewers are missing what he sees, yet fails to give a compelling justification for why, it comes off as terribly uncredible and inconsistent to his past values, and I don't respect that in the reviewers I subscribe to. Hence, unsubscribed.