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archer9234 said:
Alkibiádēs said:

Zelda's loading times are nowhere near a minute. Entering a shrine maybe takes 10 seconds max. There are also frequent check points, so you never lose a lot of progress. The point special is trying to make is that he let Bloodborne off the hook for its loading times,  but gives Breath of the Wild harsh criticism despite it having much faster loading times. It's obvious to anyone that he wanted to give the game a lower score than most critics from the get go. Now he can play the victim and make another episode from it. The guy's just a big drama queen. 

The cutscenes are hidden loading times, you expect Nintendo to make 120 different cutscenes for each shrine? Jezus Christ... That doesn't scream low budget, but knowing where your priorities lie. I swear, people complain about everything these days. 

No. If it's for hiding loading times. It just adds to the slow down. By loading the animation cutscene, first. Instead of the simplier text screen. Don't show anything. Just do the loading screen. Because people will treat it as the game being slow paced. If the game did this. Load slate. Cut to loading screen. Walk out of lift. It would shave time off. Just like how the game saves your time. By not needing you, to go back to the lift. You are automatically exited. Once you get the orb. They save your time, one way. But not the other.

What you describe would be a very jarring transition.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides