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naruball said:

You may disagree with what he said, but I sure don't.

First of all let me just say that I'm not a big Souls fan. BUT! The long loading times and the fact that I had to replay an entire level made me enjoy the game more because I was terrified of the enemies and the adrenaline was sky high when I was about to die (or in a dark alley). Not only would I have to play the same level, I'd have to wait for an entire minute to play again.

Then there are Tekken 6 loading times. I hated those. Absolutely hated them. They weren't punishment for losing, just having to wait to fight the next opponent.

As for Zelda and repetitiveness(?), it's one of the things that really bug me. They scream low budget to me which is almost ok when it comes to indie/Japanese games but inexcusable in AAA games. Doesn't matter if it's my favourite or least favourite game. Skippable or not. I just don't like them.

So, in my opinion he's absolutely right and not biased at all. I tend to disagree with him, just not in this case.

Yeah I just think it is interesting how we overblow flaws in things that we didn't like but look past them in thinks that we do like. We all do it.

Personally I overlook having to mash X when entering a shrine in Breath of the Wild because discovering and solving shrines is some of the most fun I've had playing a video game in years.

I don't have the same love for Bloodborne, so the load times and general clunkiness bother me more than they might in a game like Zelda.