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sc94597 said:
potato_hamster said:

Of course. Because reloading your gun (something that's found in practically all shooters) is totally the same as a tedious, arbitrary stamina system that has plenty of work arounds that renders it more annoying than it does to offer a challnege. Nice false equivalence.

So in The Elder Scrolls Morrowind when you start by walking like a snail, but later in the game you can run faster than the screens load was that a bad gameplay device?

The whole point of stamina is to limit your ability to efficiently travel until you upgrade it, no different from Acrobatics or Speed in an Elder Scrolls game. The point is that by actually working for it, your character feels better. It is hard to grasp when games today make you feel like a god an hour in until the end, but yes character progression and constraints make games fun, and it is a reward for your effort to be able to unlock more. The system is hardly arbitrary. 

Those upgrades don't require a person to stop and start momvement. You are stuck at a certain speed. That is what causes the hate. If Link had no Stamnia bar. And just let you upgrade Link's speed, over time. No one would really care. As it is. It's causing people to run, slow, run, slow, run, slow. People like holding forward, and that's it. You can argue. Than don't use run. Than why is it in the game? It's like the old Wolverine games. What's the point of having his claws. If they gave damage, to him. The Stamina bar is also not realistic. If you want realism. Than actaully do it. Allow Link to run, for a minute. Link isn't some fat guy, out of shape.

I don't think its cute that I can't get on the Haneto tower. Because my stamina bar, is one inch shy of the first ledge.

sc94597 said:
archer9234 said:

He has a Patreon. There is no use of clicks. He doesn't get money from ads. He gets money from supporters.

You don't get supporters without publicity, look at the U.S presidential election for an example of that. 

So thank the haters. He wouldn't of made the extra video. If he didn't have a reason. And giving someone money monthly. Is a lot more harder, than clicks.