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archer9234 said:

Let me pose a question about the cut scenes. Even with them skip-able. If an action is being repeated, over and over again. The blood moon, and the Shrine entry intros etc. Shouldn't the game just stop doing the cut scenes, in the first place. The majority of people will just skip them. After a few viewings. Making the skip option moot. The animation should not happen any more. It should be relegated to the playback archive. That's where I'm coming from.

I'm happy that everything is basically skip-able. But, I'd rather is be fully disable-able. Like Pokemon's battle animation.

As for the durabilty system. If it matched Minecraft's. I wouldn't complain. Since it doesn't, it's crappy.

The bloodmoon is rare enough (every few 3 hours, perhaps?) and short enough (20 seconds, if you don't skip) that it really shouldn't impact the experience in a significant manner.



what concerns durability: the goal of a short durability likely was, primarily, an attempt to keep the game balanced while still allowing players to tackle any quest in the order you like - a short durability forces you to use the tools in tge area, which makes sense, from a design perspective.

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