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I think if you asked "what is perfect?" most people in their right mind would answer : "nothing is perfect". However, the same people would agree with "perfect" scores given to books, movies, hotels, schools, hair dryers, whatever. People have agreed on top scores, and they're convinced these don't mean something is "flawless". For entertainment media ranging from books to television and games, giving top scores is an everyday thing as it is a popularity thing. People want to see it. Movies are given "perfect" scores everyday, books too, and many other things. Why the "perfect" score should remain a myth in videogame reviews is beyond me. It's no big deal, people get it, a "top score" doesn't mean it's perfect. For something to be declared perfect, besides being flawless, it would have to be considered "perfect by everybody". Just the concept of perfect is ridiculous. It's just impossible. So I just chuckle when people say some media outlet lost all credibility beacuse it awarded a top score to certain game. C'mon, they know better than that, besides isn't a review just a single opinion?